Each spring, KNR holds the Esther Larson McGinnis Academic Achievement and Service Awards Ceremony to recognize high-achieving students.
Eligible students are either nominated or invited to apply for an award by KNR faculty. Students will receive an email notification with a link to an online application in late January or early February of each year.
Learn more about our current award and scholarship recipients.
Preference is given to a non-traditional student who demonstrates a financial need, has a goal to teach and work with sports teams, and demonstrates competency in athletic settings.
This fund supports an outstanding junior-level AT student who is certified by the NATA and active in the AT club.
Preference is given to a student who demonstrates a financial need.
Preference is given to students majoring in PETE.
Preference is given to students planning to teach K-12 Physical Education in an Illinois public school system.
This reward can only be received once.
The thesis/dissertation chair will be notified by KNR Graduate Program Director or Graduate Program Secretary of the student’s eligibility for the award at the time proposal is forwarded to Graduate school.
This scholarship recognizes outstanding academic achievement for KNR majors in the early stages of their academic program.
This scholarship is awarded in the fall of junior year.
This scholarship makes the transition process for transfer students more manageable.
Amount: Scholarship amount will be determined by the annual spending distribution of the fund. Each award should be a minimum $1,000 with multiple scholarships to be awarded.
Application Deadline: March 8